Vincent Chapaux, scientific partner

Vincent Chapaux holds a Master in Political Science/International relations (magna cum laude, ULB, 2002), a DES (LL.M. equivalent) in international law (Magna cum Laude, ULB, 2004) a DEA in Political Sciences (magna cum laude, ULB, 2007) and a PhD in Political Sciences/international relations (ULB, 2011). In international law, Vincent’s main areas of expertise are the Theory of International Law, the Decolonization of the Western Sahara and International Animal Law.

Vincent is the Research Manager of the Maison des Sciences Humaines at ULB. He also runs a blog on international animal law called InternationAnimals.

Selected Publications

Edited Books

  • 2010 Chapaux, Vincent (ed.), Sahara occidental. Existe-t-il des recours judiciaires pour les peuples sous domination étrangère ?/Western Sahara ; Which Legal Remedies for peoples under foreign domination ?, Bruxelles, Bruylant.
  • 2008 Chapaux, Vincent, Julien Pieret & Annemie Schaus (eds), Entre ombres et lumières – Cinquante ans d’application de la convention européenne des droits de l’Homme en Belgique, Bruxelles, Bruylant.

Articles & Chapters

  • 2023 Chapaux, Vincent. « Non-Human Animals as Epistemic Subjects of International Law, » in V. Chapaux, F. Mégret and U. Natarajan (eds), The Routledge Handbook of International Law and Anthropocentrism, pp.295-306. Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
  • 2021 Chapaux, Vincent. « Interspecies relations in science fiction movies and human international law » in Olivier Corten, Francois Dubuisson and Martyna Falkowska-Clary, Cinematic perspectives on international law, Manchester, Manchester University Press.
  • 2014 Chapaux, Vincent. « International Legal Theory: Haven’t We Overestimated The Divide Between France And The United States? », Michigan Journal of International Law Emerging Scholarship, 2014, Vol. 2: 101-113.