Jérôme Michalon (associate member)

Jérôme is a sociologist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and is currently working at the Triangle research unit (UMR 5206 – University of Lyon). His main research interests lie in human-animal relationships, science studies, sociology of mobilization, and sociology of health. His work consists in a sociological exploration of social dynamics within the “benevolence towards animals’ communities”. His PhD dissertation about Animal-Assisted Therapy as a social phenomenon was published in 2014 (Panser avec les animaux. Sociologie du soin par le contact animalier, Presses de Mines, Paris). He tried to understand how being involved in human health care has changed the social status of some animals namely dogs and horses , contributing to getting their “personhood” acknowledged and valued. He is also working on animal rights activism and especially the links between advocacy and the academia – and the veterinary profession. His contribution to RULNAT consists in the collaborative work with Gaëlle Ronsin on the trial of two fishermen accused of beheading seals in Brittany (France).


Selected publications


Articles & Chapters

  • 2020 Michalon, J. « The Rise of Therapy Animals’ Personhood. Note on the Ontological Dimensions of Professional Dynamics », Humanimalia. A journal of human/animal interface studies 11(2). (pdf : https://humanimalia.org/article/view/9456/9943)